Bowlers of the Year 2019-2020

Bowlers of the Year
2019 – 2020

Vanessa Fortin, earns the title of Mrs. Bowler, with a composite average of 192,08
Karine Bouchard, Bowler of the Year, Class « ­­A »
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Vanessa Fortin, Bowler of the year, Class « B »
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Jessica Lajeunesse, Bowler of the year – Class « C »
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Maryann Cloherty, Bowler of the Year, Class « D »
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Jessica Lajeunesse, most improved average for the 2019-20 season with a +17
Karine Bouchard, Women’s High Triple for the season with a 767 series.
Carl Girard earns the title of Mr. Bowler with a composite average of 225.81
Maxime Boisvert, Bowler of the Year, Class « A »
Stephen T. Meir, Bowler of the year, Class « B »
Claude Perreault, Bowler of the year, Class « C »
Michel Bellemare, Bowler of the Year, Class « D »
Stephen T. Maier, most improved average for the 2019-20 season with a +22
Maxime Boisvert, Men’s High Triple for the season with a 826 series.